Sunday, April 26, 2015

Community Event, 2015 April 27th meeting of the Historical Society Our regular meetings are pot-luck suppers at 6pm. “Meeting after.” “We will be taking membership.” And Dues $5.00 a year!! We welcome active members, but we also appreciate those who wish to be less active in their support. Special Dates May 2, Opening of Church and Museum there is an Open House, from 10-4pm There will be Amish Bake goods and plants from the “Country Knob” Greenhouse on Riga Rd. May 25 Memorial Day Parade with reading of Honor Roll June 6th, Willow Creek Quilters & Amish Quilts & Goods 10am-3pm August 22nd Town Picnic! ** Bring a dish to pass ~ more info to follow. Sponsored by the Historical Society & Leon Fire Company # 1 The Leon Fire Company #1 formed the Race Track in the 1940’s and ran until the Late 1950’s There will be a display of the Pennyroyal Track at the Fire hall. Anyone who remembers and would like to share their memories or driving and pictures would Greatly Appreciated. We are looking for Crafters & Flea Marketers who would like to set up on Saturday from May-October. Call 296-5709 We are doing Amish Trail Tours in winter, spring, summer and fall months!!! “Book your Tours” Call Pat Bromley, Historian at 716-296-5709 or

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mission of the Historical Society

Our Mission is to preserve our History for future Generations.
We want to encourage people to explore their Roots and realize how much Fun it is to trace your Family back 3or 4 Generations.
 We are looking for Photos and Family history written by family members to display in the Museum.  We have some started and would love to keep adding to this.  Check out the pictures in our photo gallery.
           Museum open every saturday 10:00 am until 4:00pm thru the summer months.

Come take a trip to the country

Take a trip back in time with a visit through the Older Amish Community. They live without all the modern conveniences such as electricity, telephones, and cars. Their lifestyle separates them from the modern world. They emphasize on humility, faith, and family, honest and hard work. They recognized by their plain dress and travel by horse and buggy.
Amish produce a variety of good that include Quilts, Rugs, Bake Goods, Candy, Toys, Wood and iron crafts, Furniture, Eggs, Fruits and vegetables. They sell their products from their homes, they have signs in their yards letting people know what they are selling. Amish have a unique way of life which we respect, while on the tour we request that you are thoughtful and courteous of their way.
Come join a tour where one of our Guides will join you in your vehicle and give you 2 hour tour around the back roads and show you the great shops around the area. We will make several stops along the way where you can shop and we will share stories of the fascinating history of the area.
Tours are by reservation only
Tours are available through The Leon Historical Society Museum for more information Contact: or e-mail us thru our website
Pat Bromley (716) 296-5709, Leon Town Historian
Sandy Prior (716) 296- 5236
Fred Milliman (716) 358-3236
Cost: $40.00 per vehicle up to six people with an additional $5.00 per person.
Please remember that Amish shops are closed on Sundays, holidays and also for weddings and funerals.  Amish accept Cash or Checks, NO CREDIT CARDS.  It is against their beliefs to be photographed; we ask that you respect their wishes.     
Tour Start: 
June 16, 2011 - November 30, 2011
Tour Cost: 