Did you Know?


  The year 1841 was one which wore the unforgettable crime in Leon.  This Was the murdering of Richard Brown and his wife of only a few weeks?  The Browns lived on Kysor Hill in a log-erected home.  A man by the name of Bowhall, Learned that Mr. Brown had a total of $ 40 in cash and Bowhall was determined to get this small amount into his possession.
   Bowhall went to the log home, found the young wife alone, murdered her,and deposited her body under the bed.
 Finally, after several days had elapsed, it became know a search was made for Mr. Brown.  His body was found in the sugar bush, covered with brush.  However, Bowhall always accompanied the searcher.  He trembled so much that soon the others became suspicious.  He was taken to Ellicottville County Courthouse where he Confessed and gave the details of the crime committed. Nevertheless, his conscience over-powered him, and he hung himself through the assistance of the bedpost.  He had been punished enough and he figured this was the easiest and fastest way to end the ordeal.


 Published March 2010
Fifty-five or Sixty years ago, the people of Leon Center awoke one morning to find someone had a horse tied for along time.  Shortly following the discovery, Lemuel Ackler found that a section of the wall belonging to the Methodist Church had been removed;   this cavity was large enough for a man to crawl into.
       Of course the town was alerted and a man, who was employed by the Hoefler Plant, volunteered his services and was determined to learn the reason for sure unusual procedures.  He found that the cobwebs had been brushed to the beam under the pulpit.  At this location, the mysterious party had removed an object 12” to 18” in length and had fled with it.
         The solution to the mystery was that something of real value had been secretly stored there when the wall was being built under the church.  He may have been previously in prison or out of the country for many years.  At any rate, he made a perfect “get –away.”
           Lemel Ackler remembered having heard a noise in the night but it was ceased and he went back to sleep.  The incident described is remembered by the writer, Gladys Morgan Luce and others still living.  And, it will always remain to be a mystery!
 Written by Historian, Gladys Morgan Luce, November, 1962

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